Instructions for
Tropical Climate Operation
3 - Chassis
a - General
- The total weight given in the Instruction Manuals
for the various models should not be exceeded, as
inferior roads, generally encountered in the tropics,
double the strain imposed on the chassis components
under normal road conditions.
b - Tires
c - Front axle reinforcement and protection
- 1 - The protection shield under the front of the
vehicle provides a smooth surface which protects the
front axle when traversing very rough ground.
2 - The additional reinforcement increases the
strength and service life of the axle 
These items are not supplied as spares but can be
made and installed by VW Workshops with the aid of the
special leaflet "Protective Plates for VW Passenger
d - Steering wheel bush seal
- To prevent the steering wheel bush or bearing from
damage, the steering column and tube should be sealed
to keep out dust. This can be done by inserting a 10mm
thick piece of felt about 15mm into the tube and
cementing it into position with VW Genuine Adhesive
D12. The felt should fit tightly round the steering

e - Seal between door and side member
- A strip of foam rubber can be cemented betwen the
side member and the sill panel to prevent the entry of
dust and water.

f - Torsion bars
- It is not necessary to install stronger torsion
bars or to alter the adjustment of the standard
pattern. It is not possible to increase the ground
g - Front wheel bearings
- In view of the higher temperatures prevailing, the
front wheel bearings should be packed with grease
which has a sufficiently high melting point. If this
is not already the case the bearings must be packed
with the lithium type grease which has been used in
production since March 1960.
h - Battery Protection plate
A - Floor plate
B - Packing strips
C - Battery
F - Battery strap
G - Clamp screw D- Protection plate
If very bad roads and a danger of flying stones are
anticipated, a 2mm thick plate can be installed
between floor plate and battery.
The installation of the plate, which is not
supplied as a spare part, can be carried out in any VW
Workshop with the aid of the instructions available
from the factory.
i - Protection plates for jacking points
- Protection plates can be installed to prevent the
jacking points from damage when driving over rough
stony roads. The installation can be carried out in
any VW Workshop with the aid of the instructions
available from the factory. The plates are not
supplied as spare parts.

Transporter only:
k - Protective casing for steering box